Tuesday, October 17, 2023


For as long as I can remember, I've heard over and over from friends and family that Kenyan books aren't always the easiest reads. In fact if majority were asked the only Kenyan books they had read were involuntary. The thought of it just brings back memories of being hunched over a desk in high school, in a sweater in the sweltering afternoon heat after having just eaten ugali madondo trying to figure out which paragraph you're being asked to read by the teacher😂. So it stands to reason that after that ordeal, the average Kenyan is unlikely to pick up a book by a Kenyan author for your trip to the coast. 

But here I am, hoping to not only pique your interest but get you reading stories that you can actually relate to. In a way no other book can. Granted, they're not Pulitzer prize winners but they will keep you engaged and leave you wondering what else has that author written. So here goes. Top 40 books I think all Kenyans should read (in no particular order):

1. The Havoc of Choice by Wanjiru Koinange

This book is about post-election violence that occurred in 2007. It's a time people would rather soon forget but those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. It's told from the perspectives of different types of Kenyans and is written beautifully.

Retail: 1700Ksh Text Book Centre 


2. Song of Jakaranda by Peter Kimani

The relationship between the indigenous Kenyans and the 44th tribe is not one that is usually delved into by many. Peter charts it all the way from the building of the railroad to a post-independence day hotel called Jakaranda. Using the story of a forbidden love, the dynamics of colonial era Kenya is revealed.

Retail: 1690Ksh Prestige Bookshop 


3. Dance of the Monkeys

This is the second book of Ciku Kimeria but you know that moment when, whichever book you read first is your favourite just because it's what estbalished you as a fan? Yeah this was it. It follows Wanjiru Mdaku🙊, like her name, gossip is the game. It's a Poirot-like murder mystery dinner at an engagement party in the lush neighborhoods of Nairobi.

Retail: 1500Ksh Soma Nami Bookstore


4.Surreal journey by Eric Rugara

A collection of short stories on a wide array of subjects from a priest questioning his faith, the girl you feel is the love of your life, a ghost👻 and a man with his hand on the trigger. It covers many themes like loss, love, paranormal and a wild imagination.

Retail: 1350Ksh Nuria bookstore


5. Cape Cod Bicycle War- Billy Kahora

This short story collection is actually a fave of mine and can be a great gift for your folks as well. It explores Kenya's history at in a very witty way. You'll end up googling while reading to see if this stuff actually happened👀. But without a doubt Billy did his homework on this one by researching on different parts of Africa.

Retail: 1650Ksh Prestige bookshop


6. Heartbeat by Dr Silverstein

I'll admit to being biased on this one based on the fact that I'm in healthcare and these stories appeal to me. So actually be ready to see about 2 more on this list but there's a quiet wisdom that anyone who has been taught or treated by him will attest to despite being a part of Kenya's political history. He was basically the State House Physician. Good Sunday reading😊. 

Retail: 3000Ksh Nuria Book store


7. For What are Butterflies by Troy Onyango

Another collection of short stories that may be a bit heavy for some. Not your book for light reading I'll say that. it begins with Transfiguration, a book on a trans woman looking for acceptance, the title is a story about a long-term sibling rivalry that puts the phrase 'I'd give her a kidney but not my sandwich' to another level😁.

Retail: 1500Ksh Text Book Centre


8. People of Ostrich Mountain by Ndirangu Githanga

Ndirangu takes us on a 40 year journey of Wambui, a 14 year old in the height of the Mau Mau rebellion as she is discovered as a math prodigy by her teacher. After 40 years of navigating the male-dominated world of Math in Kenya, she loses her job and is forced to go to England and adjust to living in a country she barely knows. 

Retail: 1500Ksh Nuria book store


9. Drunk by Jackson Biko

I don't think this list would be complete without the contribution of one of Kenya's most captivating authors and bloggers. Drunk explores the effects of alcohol on derailing someone's life even as they try their best to get on the right path. His second novel debut Thursdays was not as captivating to me but still worth a read.

Retail: 799Ksh Biko Zulu's personal marketplace Thursdays 899Ksh


10. Cocktail from the Savannah by Ciku Kimani Mwaniki

The third book from the Empress Rastafari who is not shy about her love for cocktails🍹. All her books have the word in it. This one is about a philandering Maasai moran who uses every lie in the book to excuse his own behaviour yet still requires his wife to be a model spouse. 

Retail: 1000Ksh Nuria bookstore


11. Hide your lungs by Elvis Ondieki

2020 was WILD! Not everyone's covid experience was the same and this is an anthropological look at what it felt like for different people going through it. The author was caught in a fire as a child and therefore gives his version of past trauma. Thank God we came out the other side🙏

Retail: 800Ksh at Nuria Bookstore


12. Going Down River Road by Meja Mwangi

There's an ongoing debate in my house about which Meja Mwangi book is the best and honestly I put this one because it's my list and I can put what I want😄. But in actuality it's difficult to choose just one. All of Meja Mwangi's books are a brilliant example of how the cover shouldn't deter you. He has a way with words and the ability to paint a picture whereby you can smell the oil in Grogon as your reading the book. 

Retail: 692Ksh Text book Centre

You can shop his whole collection on this page: https://textbookcentre.com/search/?q=meja+mwangi

13. Rough silk by Deborah Auko

I've never been a fan of books that are pushed by politicians but this was a slight exception to the rule. It's good enough to read but not good enough to reread. Deborah Auko's autobiography is a wonderful dedication of a father's sacrifice to make sure his children don't struggle like he did.

Retail: 1800Ksh for paperback and 2350 for Hardcover on Nuria bookstore


14. Dragonfly Sea by Yvonne Adhiambo

Whenever I talk to anyone about Yvonne Adhiambo's body of work it's either praise because they find her so brilliant or absolute boredom trying to get through almost 500 pages of a book and not getting much in return. I will admit Dust was not people's cup of tea but I have found more people liking this one. It follows Ayaana as she travels from the coastal region to China in a bid to escape.

Retail: 1500Ksh Half Priced books


15. Confessions of Nairobi Women by Joan Thatiah Book One and Two

Joan Thatiah has a wide range of successful books speaking from advise to give to your children(Letters to my son and Letters to my daughter) to how to have a baby girl lifestyle(I'm too pretty to be broke) but this one was confessionals of Nairobi women in the style of Sex Lives of African Women but with a wider range of topics covered. I'm sure there is at least one story every Kenyan woman can identify with.

Retail: Each at 1000Ksh at Text Book Centre


16. Disco Matanga by Alexander Nderitu

The third book in his repertoire, Disco Matanga is a collection of 10 short stories about love😍. A Kikuyu woman is set to be inherited by her Luo brother-in-law, a KDF commando parachutes into the life of a Meru university student and more. From Kiss, Commander, Promise it was obvious he has a way with words which is hilarious because when I delved a bit deeper all his friends say he's introverted. Ogopa hao😎.

Retail: 1200Ksh at Nuria Bookstore


17. Madd Madd World by Gado

An oldie but goodie. If you don't know Gado it means you live as a mormon. Everyday in the newspaper is a caricature of the political times and it's usually compiled into years. Given the extreme contesting of the 2007 election this were the 'hot years'. Unfortunately, all these Gado books stopped being printed as much and therefore only available on Kindle. Time to take a walk down memory road and see how the more things change the more they stay the same.


18. South B's finest by Makena Maganjo

Have you ever waited 4 years to read a book? I would have started and finished a whole course in that time. Another issue that makes Kenyan books not as popular is that once you print your initial copies it's not an assurance that others shall be printed. But thankfully this one was revived because WOW is this book amazing. It'll keep you engaged from start to finish. The intricacies of a cul-de-sac in Nairobi while they try to keep up with the evolution of Kenya's middle class.

Retail:2390Ksh at Nuria Bookstore


19. Lucky girl by Irene Muchemi Nderitu

Lucky girl follows Soila in the 1990s, a sheltered girl brought up in a strict household who rebels and moves to New York with a promise never to return home. She is jolted by the differences of the responsible living she was used to as well as her ignorance on the effects of slavery. It reads like the numerous 'Going to America' Nigerian novels with the exception that you can relate to her issues from home. So next time before you pick up Yaa Gyasi, think Irene Muchemi first.😊😊😊😊

Retail: 1790Ksh Tusoome Kenya


20. Dogmeat samosa by Stanley Gazemba

Stanley Gazemba came into the limelight after his publication the Stone Hills of Maragoli won the Jomo Kenyatta Prize for fictionas part of Kwani?. This second instalment finds Mukabwa, a subordinate working in the morgue goes to extreme lengths to make an extra buck as the economy continues to bite. This is another example of watchful waiting, because it has been a year since the last copy was seen or heard. We await it's reapparance. Hopefully someone of influence reads this and makes it happen😉. I see you.

Retail: 2300Ksh Out of Stock

So now my eyes are closing! Lemme just leave you with this cartoon I found when writing about book 20.

Until next time!!💬

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For as long as I can remember, I've heard over and over from friends and family that Kenyan books aren't always the easiest reads. I...